Applying for a school place
All information regarding primary school admissions can be found here.
If you would like to apply for a school place for your child, please complete the Manchester City Council Admissions Form by following this link: Manchester City Council.
Additionally, you should complete the supplementary Sacred Heart information form below and return to school with the required documents.
Please read the Admissions Policy carefully before making your application.
Admissions Policy for Sept 2024-July 2025
Admissions Policy for Sept 2025-July 2026
Admissions Policy for Sept 2026-July 2027
Supplementary Application Form – Reception to Y6
Applying for a Reception place
If you have a child of Nursery age, you will receive a letter from the Local Authority giving details of how to apply online for a Reception place in the September prior to the expected September start date. The closing date for applications to Reception is usually the 15th January – please check here.
The Local Authority encourages all applications to be completed online. Applications can be completed using a smartphone. Please ask at the school office if you require any support.
Additionally, you should complete the supplementary Sacred Heart information form below and return to school with the required documents.
Supplementary Application Form – Reception to Y6
Applying for a Nursery place
If you would like to apply for a Nursery place at Sacred Heart School, please complete the application form below and return it directly to the school office. The closing date for applications to Nursery for the following September is 30th January each year. Places are allocated during the month of April. Places are offered strictly in line with the school Admission Policy. If you would like to apply for an in-year admission (after the start of September), please contact the school office.
Supplementary Application Form – Nursery