Curriculum Intent Statement

At Sacred Heart RC Primary School, Every Heart is Sacred and as a Catholic school, we aim to deliver an exceptional and outstanding curriculum where teaching is rooted in faith and the values of the Gospel underpins all aspects of school life.

The curriculum at Sacred Heart has been thoughtfully and sensitively planned, taking into account the social-economic demographics of the school. The curriculum includes additional learning to that which is statutorily required such as; financial education, food and farming education, an understanding of a healthy lifestyle and careers information.  This is to encourage the children to avoid negative socio-economic patterns that have historically been highlighted within the local area.

Catholic Social Teaching underpins the curriculum at Sacred Heart and this enables us to provide opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident, and ambitious learners with high aspirations who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society. There is a strong emphasis on developing children’s moral, spiritual and cultural education and an understanding of community and service, both with a local and global perspective. We instill a passion in our children to help the poor, enforce social justice, care for the environment and work for the common good.  The school ensures that children are well prepared for life in modern Britain.

The curriculum is designed so that pupils become fluent readers, skilled writers and proficient mathematicians.  These skills are given significant priority and are taught, applied and practised across all subjects.  Learning in each area of the curriculum is sequenced so that children build on their prior knowledge and skills and their learning becomes memorable.

It is important to us to provide a broad range of exciting, relevant and creative opportunities that enrich our children’s learning, such as ‘wow’ events, outdoor trips, visitors in school, visits to the vast array of local sporting facilities, residential visits, outdoor learning in our school grounds and local  community areas. Our school also employs specialist sports coaches and teachers of music and art to ensure that skills are highly developed from year to year in all areas of study.

Sacred Heart provides a highly inclusive curriculum where all learners including SEND pupils and the most vulnerable can access learning and make the most of their gifts and talents. Children at all levels are encouraged and supported to achieve their full potential in all subjects.

We support, nurture and challenge every child from all cultures and socio-economic backgrounds “to have life, and have it to the full” and through Christ, we promote the formation of the whole child.


Our Subjects














Early Years