Oak National Academy have provided a range of video lessons which are free to use.
These are available at https://www.thenational.academy/.

A selection of great websites to use with your children can be found in the table below. Additional links to other useful learning resources can be found at the bottom of the page.

Website Name Website Address Classes Subject Link How to Access
Times Tables Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ 1-9 Maths Logins and Passwords in reading records
Accelerated reader https://global-zone61.renaissance-go.com/welcomeportal/2244116 3-9 Reading Logins and Passwords in reading records
Ed Shed
(Spelling Shed)
(Maths Shed)
https://play.edshed.com/login Rec-9 Spelling Maths Logins and Passwords in reading records
Literacy Shed https://www.literacyshed.com/home.html All Writing Free sign up
Diagnostic Questions https://diagnosticquestions.com 1-9 Maths SPaG Logins and Passwords in reading records
Pobble365 http://www.pobble365.com/ All Writing Free sign up
BBC Bitesize https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize Rec-9 All Web Address
CGP https://www.cgpbooks.co.uk/resources/free-tests,-tips-and-games 7-9 Maths SPaG Web Address
Oxford Owl https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ All Reading Sign up to free parent trial
Twinkl https://www.twinkl.co.uk/ All All Sign up to free parent trial


Additional Links:

A daily radio blog with interactive activities for children at home can be found here: https://radioblogging.net/

There are also a number of online virtual tours of famous places including art galleries, museums, sports venues and notable landmarks. A full list including links can be found here.

Some fun activities to do with younger children are available from Hungry Little Minds here.