Home Learning Challenges
Summer Art Competition
Our ground maintenance team – 4 Seasons Lawn and Garden are running an amazing art competition for children in classes 4 to 6. The winning entry will have their art work printed across the side of the company maintenance van. To enter, children should draw a picture that reflects how summer looks in their own eyes. The drawings need to be as colourful as possible. Click on the links below for further guidance.
Schools competition – Summer is on its way (
Challenge 1 – Lego Logo
Mr Worthington has set you a challenge: can you make a lego logo better than he has?
Send in your attempts and the best ones will appear here!
We have our first lego creations! Fantastic Work!
Challenge 2 – Values Poster
Can you create a poster or picture showing one of our school’s key values? (for clues click here)
Send us your attempts and we can add them to the collection!Here is an example done by the very artistic Mr Worthington.
Here are some beautiful posters: