On Tuesday 6th February we celebrated UK Safer Internet Day with children completing activities in class based on this years slogan – Create, Connect and Share Respect. A better internet starts with you.
As well as this there is also a competition running. the children need to design a Sacred Heart E-Safety mascot/superhero. The winning design will be on all our E-safety material, lessons and posters around the school. The winner will also receive a 3D printed figure of their character and the class of which they are a member will receive a £30 Amazon voucher. Designs can be based around anything to do with E-safety but should involve our school E-safety motto of Stop-Block-Tell. The design should include a picture along with key information about the character or what their ‘super powers’ are. They can be designed in any way the children would like and finished designs should be handed to the class teacher by Friday 16th February with the winner being announced after half-term in assembly on Friday 2nd March.
I look forward to seeing all the entries.
Mr Long