Mass for the Victims of the Pandemic

In October, the parish came together in a very moving Mass to remember the loved ones we lost to Covid. The Choir of Angels sang beautifully and our children’s prayers were later proudly displayed on the altar.


Faith in Action

Some of the hardworking and dedicated members of our Gift and Caritas teams were presented with their Faith in Action Discovery Pins at the end of term. Thank you, children, for your service


Raising money for Ukraine

As well as joining in with whole school fundraising this Lent, C7 were called to action and also raised extra money for UNICEF to help the children of Ukraine. Well done C7!


As Catholic Christians, we believe in the power of prayer. We pray every day for the people of Ukraine and for an end to this dreadful war. Stay with us, Lord, on our journey




30 Days Wild – Random Acts of Wildness

The Wildlife Trust have challenged all of us in the UK to do one wild thing a day throughout the month of June! 30 simple, fun and exciting Random Acts of Wildness. Here are some ideas to try and a prayer for our common home.



















Our Caritas team thought long and hard about how to raise money for St Joseph’s Penny in a Covid secure manner this year. As well as the non-uniform day and Easter egg raffle they planned for Maundy Thursday, the children also organised two car washing sessions in which they expertly cleaned the cars in the staff car park in return for donations – perfect timing while all the hand car washes are still shut!

Poem from the Caritas Concert of Hope

Cascades Logo

Cascade Baby Bundles


Our Caritas Ambassadors visited Cascade Baby Bundles, a charity supporting babies and young children in Greater Manchester, to help prepare toys for distribution – we learned so much but also had good fun with the jigsaws!

Cascades Logo



Called to Action

Class 5 were called to action and donated a large amount of food, clothing and toys to the Cornerstone Christmas Shoe Box Appeal. Many children went above and beyond the call of duty, bringing in large bags of items they had gathered from friends and family who were in a position to serve those in need.


Mia & Maisie were called to action and, as well as donating 30cm of their beautiful long hair, they also raised a massive £489 for the Little Princess Trust who provide real hair wigs to children and young people with hair loss.


Cornerstones Day Centre

Thank you to class 5 who have donated and delivered food to Cornerstones Day Centre. This food will help to support many of the homeless people throughout Manchester.



Litter Picking

Class 5 worked with Biffa  the cleaning company who are currently doing the great Gorton clean up. They did some litter picking on our school field and collected 10 bags of rubbish.


Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

Our lesson recapped on our Caritas learning and Options for the Poor and Vulnerable. Sharing out fruit fairly and unfairly and discussing how we can help poorer people.



Themes of Catholic Social Teaching