This year, we were honoured to invite parents and carers to join us once more in Remembrance liturgical prayer services in every class. Year 5 also represented our school at Gorton Cemetery in the official community Remembrance service. Sacred Heart children wrote poems, drew and painted pictures and wrote prayers in remembrance of those brave men and women who lost their lives in WW1, WW2 and all conflicts since. 










Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus




Easter crafts, Easter bonnets and, of course, Easter eggs help us to celebrate the joy of the resurrection. He is risen! Alleluia!’




We spent some very happy hours in our beautiful parish gardens this Lent. Here are some of our Y6 children leading a Stations service which was followed by spontaneous prayer




The Gift team worked together to send our travelling crosses home for the first time since before the pandemic. Children are encouraged to light a candle and pray with their families each night






We are all working hard to pray, fast and give more this Lent. From sponsored Lenten walks and staff car washes to additional liturgies and Masses, we will follow in the footsteps of Christ as we prepare ourselves for the great joy of the Resurrection







Y6 helped us to prepare for the birthday of Christ by setting up our sacred spaces around school and leading a beautiful reverent poetic assembly





The Rosary


Y6 pupils prepare to lead The Rosary around school this October.






The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (June 11th)

On June 11th, we enjoyed celebrating the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Some classes went to Mass, the whole school was united in worship thanks to a collaborative remote assembly and every child, including those who were accessing remote learning, had the opportunity to complete some wonderful creative activities. Nursery and Reception even hosted their own Sacred Heart tea party: they made their own heart sandwiches and biscuits!




Some of our KS2 children visited the beautiful parish gardens to lead their own Stations services. Class 8 were also lucky enough to have a Q&A with Father Kevin at the end!


St Patrick Prayer

St Joseph Prayer




Advent Calendar 2020


Some of our children in Class 8 have made their own scenes of the Nativity and have sent us photographs of their wonderful creations!

Remembrance Day


Most Sacred Heart of Jesus




Holy Week at Home


Shrove Tuesday

It was like a Carnival in the Nursery!!


Our Lady of Lourdes