Mission Statement


Our school community serves the common good to the benefit of all;

where the rights and dignity of every human person are respected and

“Every Heart is Sacred”.

We support and encourage everyone to reach their full potential.

We are witnesses to God’s love through our actions;

inspiring hope, nurturing love and  caring for our Common Home.

We serve each other peacefully, joyfully and truthfully

so that all

‘have life and have it to the full’.



At the start of each new academic year, we revisit our Mission Statement in depth. We are then guided by it every day and return to the written statement frequently. 
Here are some examples of us getting to know our Mission Statement with our teachers and friends. 


Class 3

Class 3 have been thinking carefully about Our School Mission. We talked about what we can do to ensure we are living out Our Mission through our words and actions.

We ‘served each other joyfully, peacefully and truthfully’ when sharing juice and biscuits. We took it in turns to serve each other and clean up afterwards.


Class 8

Class 8 each took a line from our Mission Statement and produced ‘freeze frames’ in groups. We will do all we can this year to ensure that every sacred heart has life to the full.


Class 9


Class 9 worked together to decide on some of the most important parts of our school mission statement and then, in groups, contributed to our class RE display by piecing together their designs.