Maths Leader – Mrs K McCarthy

Maths LTP

What does maths look like at Sacred Heart?

Please click the documents below (organised by year group) to see the mathematical models and methods that we use to teach your child in school. To support your child with their learning, please refer to these when completing homework together.

Year 1 Maths Representations and Methods

Year 2 Maths Representations and Methods

Year 3 Maths Representations and Methods

Year 4 Maths Representations and Methods

Year 5 Maths Representations and Methods

Year 6 Maths Representations and Methods


Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

All children are required to take a multiplication tables check in Year 4 (June). The check helps teachers and parents understand which pupil need extra support to access maths in Year 5 and beyond. The check takes place on a device and children have 6 seconds to answer each question. Please click the link below for more information.

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check